Den beste måten å forhindre at matvarepartikler setter seg på flater og utstyr der de kan krysskontaminere, er å samle dem opp ved selve kilden. Denne rapporten forklarer hvordan industrielle luftrensere med høy effektivitet benyttes som til å filtrere bort støvbårne allergener og minske risikoen for krysskontaminering merkbart.
If you manufacture allergen-free or gluten-free foods, it is absolutely essential to keep any trace of these contaminants out of your products.There’s so much at stake…your responsibility to your customers, your reputation and your business success. According to Food AllergyResearch & Education (FARE), up to 15 million Americans have food allergies, and each year 200,000 Americans require emergency medical care for potentially life-threatening allergic reactions to food.Another major driver of the “free-from” food trend is the growth of the gluten-free market. More and more consumers are turning away from products that contain gluten for medical reasons, health reasons or simply preference. And even besides gluten, today’s consumers want to know what’s in their food, where it came from and how it was produced.
The danger is cross-contamination - when "free-from" food or food product is exposed to an ingredient or food containing a contaminant or non-free-from material. Avoiding cross-contamination of your “free-from”products can be a challenge if you make those products in a facility where non-allergy-friendly or gluten-containing foods are also made.Your food can’t be “free-from” unless your facility and your processing equipment are as well. That includes the air quality in your facility, which can contain dust from airborne food particles.
To read more, download the full report below!