

Our most versatile family of supply and exhaust air HEPA housings for ceiling installation controlled environments. Available with or without integrated ISO 14644-3 compliant filter validation features.

CleanSeal is a product family of fully welded, robust ceiling housings, specially developed for reliable performance and ease of use in cleanrooms and life science facilities.

They include a full suite of measurement ports for qualified filter validation in supply air applications but are suitable for both supply and exhaust air.
Premium Integrity variants include optimum support of ISO 14644-3 compliant in-situ testing as a complete installation kit.

Housings are available for PU and GEL gaskets and feature a universal mounting system for both suspended installation and compression mounting.
A large choice of hinged front plates with recessed quick-locking is fully compatible and interchangeable at any time.

The CleanSeal family has been designed with pre-positioning filter retainers and a patented adjustable clamping system to handle all Camfil Megalam filter sizes (MG/MD/MX). This scalability allows for fast and easy upgrade of existing filters to maintain pressure cascades or manage energy savings. Adaptation of configurations is available as cleanroom requirements evolve.

Products of the CleanSeal family are open to adaptation to your specific needs, from additional features and functions to specific finishes, custom formats and fully bespoke ceiling integration.

Contact your Camfil representative for customized solutions.

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