M-Pleat G

A pleated panel filter with plastic frame suitable for environments with high humidities. With its low pressure drop and high dust holding capacity, lowest labour cost thanks to less frequent filter changes can be achieved. This filter comes in Coarse 85% according to ISO16890.

  • Ultra compact panel filter with Coarse 85% efficiency
  • Low pressure drop thanks to large surface area
  • Long operating life with large dust holding capacity
  • Less frequent changes
  • Fully combustible plastic frame
  • ICON3 efficiency guarantee
  • ICON7 iso16890.ai
Item Type ISO 16890 Filter Class EN779 Width (mm) Height (mm) Depth (mm) Airflow (m3/h) Pressure drop Initial (Pa)
M-Pleat G Coarse 85% M5 592 592 48 2200 35
M-Pleat G Coarse 85% M5 592 592 96 2200 30
M-Pleat G Coarse 85% M5 287 592 48 1100 35
M-Pleat G Coarse 85% M5 287 592 96 1100 30


Replacement of gravimetric filters, Air Handling Units, Industrial processes and individual modules (reducing plant energy and IAQ improvement)
Filter Frame
Max temperature (°C)
Relative Humidity
Max final pressure drop, EN 13053
Initial pressure drop + 50 Pa or initial pressure drop x3 (whichever is lower)
Dimension standard
Filter front dimensions according EN 15805
Installation options
Front and side access housings and frames are available
Max Airflow
1,3 x nominal flow

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