Food and beverage an auditors guide to clean air

Food and beverage an auditors guide to clean air

Created Wednesday 10 February 2021

Air Quality is an important factor to consider when auditing your Food and Beverage facility. Good air quality can help protect employee health, reduce the risk of cross contamination as well as protect your products, processes and the environment. To assist with your air quality audits we have developed a quick and easy guide to help understand why air quality is important and what on site checks should be performed to ensure compliance with standards.

Air quality guide for food and beverage production facilities

Why Download the Guide?

This guide has been designed to help you easily understand the importance of air quality and provide simple tips and tricks for evaluating if your air quality is optimized to protect your product, your people and the environment. Learn what readings should be taken, what certificates should be provided and what checks should be made within your facility

Video: What to look out for?

At a recent presentation at Food Safety, Ross Dumigan (Food and Beverage Segment Manager) talked about the Dos and Don’ts of air quality maintenance. Watch as he goes through common flaws noticed on sites and describes how they can be addressed.

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