Fan Coil Filters

Protect your Heating and Cooling Coils with Fan Coil Filters. These filters are designed to stop large particles from building up on your Heating/Cooling Coils. The Build up of Dust Particles can reduce the efficiency of your coils

  • Robust
  • Progressively built-up termal bonded polyester fibre
  • ICON7
Item Type ISO 16890 Filter Class EN779 Width (mm) Height (mm) Depth (mm) Airflow (m3/h) Pressure drop Initial (Pa)
Fan Coil Coarse 50% G3 185 444 4 570 25
Fan Coil Coarse 50% G3 212 465 4 690 25
Fan Coil Coarse 50% G3 185 594 4 770 25
Fain-coil Coarse 50% G3 174 650 4 790 25
Fan Coil Coarse 50% G3 212 665 4 990 25
Fan Coil Coarse 50% G3 185 794 4 1030 25
Fan Coil Coarse 50% G3 174 850 4 1040 25
Fan Coil Coarse 50% G3 174 1050 4 1274 25
Fan Coil Coarse 50% G3 185 994 4 1280 25
Fan Coil Coarse 50% G3 174 1250 4 1520 25
Fan Coil Coarse 50% G3 185 1194 4 1560 25
Fan Coil Coarse 50% G3 212 1065 4 1580 25


Prevention of dust and dirt build up on heating/cooling coils within ventilation systems
Filter Frame
Max temperature (°C)
Relative Humidity
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