Schools & universities

Schools & universities

Get educated about good indoor air quality in schools and universities. Help students improve their cognitive performance, essential for successful learning, with good IAQ.

Reading, writing, arithmetic – and good indoor air quality. With the proper care and attention, your HVAC system can help you achieve the best conditions for learning and productivity – and have a positive impact on achievement and performance inside these critical institutions.

Good indoor air quality – a critical subject at any school

On any given school day, roughly 51 million people will occupy a school building. Yet many of these buildings are in need of extensive repairs, and report problems related to poor indoor air quality. Without a prompt response to these challenges, poor indoor air quality (IAQ) can result in short- and long-term health problems, expensive repairs and even liability issues. 

Challenges for HVAC systems and building occupants

Schools and other educational facilities present unique problems to designers and HVAC practitioners. Most schools are diverse structures with different environments such as classrooms, laboratories, workshops, gymnasiums, libraries, theatres, cafeterias and photography darkrooms. Physics and biology labs present their own unique challenges to maintaining proper IAQ throughout the facility. 

High-level cognitive performance, essential for successful learning, is linked to good IAQ.  Another fact is that most educational facilities are in areas of high population density (cities), and the air can be polluted by a wide range of contaminants from both outdoor and indoor sources. The hazards faced by students and teachers range from general IAQ issues to exposure to traffic fumes, exposure to toxic gases in labs and exposure to deadly viruses in research labs. 

Camfil offers robust and dedicated particulate filtration, molecular filtration and containment filtration solutions for all air quality issues in educational establishments.

The benefits of good indoor air quality in educational facilities

  • Reduces absenteeism for students and staff
  • Reduces building deterioration and improves energy efficiency
  • Reduces outside air ventilation requirements
  • Prevents strained relationships resulting from poor indoor air quality
  • Promotes healthy environments for people with allergies and asthma
  • Reduces liabilities
  • Most importantly, helps to protect students – one of our most important investments in the future

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