Eurovent 4/21– energy consumption of air filters

Created 27 April 2021

Did you know that an air filter can account for as much as 30% of the total energy consumption in a HVAC system? With this in mind, Eurovent has released an energy rating system for all general ventilation filters. This standard allows users to easily compare different air filters on the market to make the best choice solution for their facility

Eurovent 4/21 - energy efficiency tables

How to understand filter energy performance

Air filters for general HVAC applications are independently tested and rated according to the Eurovent 4/21 test protocol. In these tests the full-size version (595x595mm) is tested over its lifetime and a final energy consumption figure is calculated. All filters that have been tested should show the Eurovent Energy Efficiency label on the box of the filter. The image on the right showcases a sample Eurovent label for our Opakfil ES filter.

This label should contain the following information:

  1. The filter manufacturer's name
  2. The product name
  3. The filtration efficiency according to ISO 16890
  4. Annual energy consumption
  5. Energy rating
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