
We stand together in these difficult times - Camfil's respiratory protection is now CE marked!

We are passionate about clean air and believe in helping people and the community around us by sharing our core competencies. In March 2020, we started helping the healthcare community by manufacturing and testing respiratory protection. The hospital environment is one of the core competence areas for Camfil as we have successfully delivered filter and ventilation solutions to various hospitals and care facilities around the globe in the past many decades including operating theaters, laboratories, reception rooms, intensive care units, and pharmacies.

In 2020, Camfil delivered CamProtect respiratory protection, primarily to the Stockholm Region along with other institutions in the healthcare. The product CamProtect is now CE-certified by Force Certification A/S.  

From idea to rapid response  

The idea for a mask took shape within Camfil when the corona outbreak first emerged. As experts in air filtration solutions, we simply could not just stand by – so we prepared to act. Ideas for respiratory protection masks began to come in from our offices in Malaysia, Spain, Slovakia, Sweden, and others. The project then gained momentum through Camfil’s Global Tech Center in Trosa, Sweden with other areas of the Swedish organization. Since respiratory protection is not part of Camfil’s regular manufacturing output, we kicked off a large-scale internal initiative to get up and running with a prototype. Experts from product development, testing, materials, purchasing, and production participated. The prototype was then tested in one of our laboratories. 

Product development in the filter industry usually takes several months or even years. For this fast pace development, it took plenty of hard work to redeploy production lines while finding partners and suppliers who could help make the idea a reality as soon as possible. The production started in Trosa, Sweden, and CamProtect respiratory protection masks became a reality. That was the beginning of the product CamProtect.

About Camfil Tech Center in Trosa, Sweden
  • Opened about 10 years ago.  
  • Used for research and development of new products and equipment for manufacturing and testing filters.  
  • Area: 2,500 m2 (27,000 sq.ft.)
  • Contains 5 labs: particle lab, high-efficiency filter lab, molecular filter lab, lab for indoor air quality testing, and lab for gas turbine filters

More useful information about Trosa Tech Center:

Respiratory protection is CE-certified

The product is tested and CE-certified by notified body: FORCE Certification A/S 0200, Park Alle 345, DK-2605 Brøndby, Denmark.
Read more here: 

Camfil is testing other supplier masks for Karolinska University Hospital  

Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden has been purchasing respiratory protection masks from several suppliers since the virus began to spread in Sweden. To make sure these face masks meet the quality and standards promised, we helped them test the masks in our lab. So far, we have tested over 60 different face masks. The respiratory protection masks that meet all the safety requirements should be used in hospital settings to ensure employee protection.  

Production of respiratory masks at Camfil

Masks trial and approval by hospital staff  

Since Karolinska University Hospital and the Stockholm Region already obtain air filters from us through various partners, it did not take long before they heard about our prototype. It took two days before they sent representatives to the Tech Center in Trosa who could visit the test lab and experience the full demonstration. The design of respiratory protection was subsequently tested by staff at Karolinska who were very positive about the outcome.

First test was performed on a lung rescue doll

At the beginning of the project, we bought a styrofoam test dummy to test the respiratory mask prototype and evaluate its results. We opened channels in the dummy doll, and inserted hoses, pumps, and gauges to count particles outside and inside of the masks. After contacting Karolinska, we instead received an anatomically correct cardiopulmonary resuscitation dummy that allowed us to more accurately simulate the tests and test the fit of the mask. Watch how we tested the respiratory protection in the test chamber using the CPR doll.

Production saves jobs  

Before production start-up, we contacted both longstanding and newer partners to begin the project as soon as possible. Production of the respiratory protection masks is now in full swing. As a result, certain factory workers and others who were laid off could get their jobs back. And the fact that production takes place in Sweden helps to ensure more reliable deliveries.  
Facts about Camfil’s respiratory protection masks (CamProtect)
Standards: FFP2 and FFP3, where FF stands for filtering facepiece (half-face mask), P stands for particles, and the digit indicates class. Class 3 has the highest protective effect.  

Initial quantity per week: 100,000  

Total quantity:

Tested:  By the independent testing institute RISE, based on the penetration requirements of EN149, and at Camfil’s Tech Center in Trosa.  

In Sweden.   

Initially in the Stockholm region, but discussions are underway with other regions of Sweden. 

Fotograf: Josefin Lundgren Gawell
Modell: Pauline Rylander Hagson

Created 17 February 2021
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