
Upgrade GT filtration to slash carbon emissions 

We understand the pressure you are under to cut your organization’s carbon footprint – and the corresponding taxes! New carbon taxes and stricter regulations just intensify this pressure. But as you explore all your options to go green, you may be overlooking the easiest, most cost-effective way to dramatically reduce carbon emissions across your entire operation...

Upgrade the intake filters on your gas turbines

When you use more efficient air intake filters that are adapted to your environmental and operational conditions, you get cleaner-running engines with less fouling, corrosion and reduced air resistance across the system. The engines don’t have to work as hard, so they use less fuel. Burning less fuel for the same output means less CO2 produced, stopping CO2 before it’s even released. Depending on your environment, operations, and current solution

– you could slash your total CO2 emissions by more than 5% per year, per megawatt hour produced..

Upgrading from a standard filtration solution to an optimized high-efficiency EPA solution may cut your CO2 output by thousands of tonnes per turbine each year. Multiply that saving across your entire fleet to see the true impact of this painless, common-sense retrofit.

Additional performance benefits and increased profits

  • Increase profitability from fuel efficiency
  • Increase availability for production
  • Extended GT part life
  • Extend filter life
  • Increase reliability
  • Increase safety

So when it comes to slashing your carbon footprint, remember these three words…


It’s the best idea you’ve never thought of to drastically reduce your CO2 emissions.

Calculate your savings

Learn more about how filtration technology impacts CO2 Emissions

CO2 Emissions

CO2 Tax

How it works

Fouling, corrosion, and pressure drop cause gas turbines to become less efficient, limiting their maximum power output and increasing their heat rate. Engines with higher heat rates must burn more fuel to produce the same power.

Base load applications
Base load applications generally operate at maximum capacity. As a fouled engine will have a limited power output, you may need to operate more to make up the lost power output. Carbon emissions and CO2 intensity increase because more fuel is being burnt.
Part load applications
Part load applications generally do not operate at maximum capacity. However, to maintain the same power output with a fouled engine, since heat rate has increased, fuel consumption, and therefore the total CO2 emissions and CO2 intensity, increase.

Carbon savings with air inlet filters

A better solution is to replace standard intake filters with more efficient filter grades that also provide a lower combined pressure drop for the year.

In the table reported below, upgrading from a standard T6 filter to an T12 hydrophobic filter could save you up to 35 000 tonnes in CO2 emissions, per year, or a 5% reduction from your total emissions per megawatt hour produced. This is equivalent to removing 18 000 cars from the road.
Assuming part load application; Heat rate: 8 600kJ/kWh; Operating hours: 8 000; Power output: 200 MW
Assuming the average car travels roughly 20 000 km a year, following European Environment Agency 2020 vehicular carbon emissions target of 95g CO2/km
The CamGT T10 and T12 filters are hydrophobic with a low and stable average pressure drop 
 Air inlet
  Impact on
heat rate
Emissions related
to filtration
 Prefilter  Final filter  Heat rate
reduction vs.
 Tonnes of CO2
per year
 Total CO2 reduction
vs. baseline (%)
Total CO2 reduction
vs. baseline (%) 
Equivalent cars
removed from
the road 
Bag filter G4 Bag filter T6 0 38 000      
30/30 GT T3 Composite T8 180 24 000 14 000 2.0% 8 000
30/30 GT T3 Composite T9 270 17 000 21 000 3.0% 12 000
Cam-Flo Hybrid T7 CamGT 3V-600 T10 395 7 000 31 000 4.5% 17 000
CamGT 3V-600 T8 CamGT 3V-600 T12 440 3 000 35 000 5.0% 18 000

3 filter features to consider

Learn more about how filtration technology impacts CO2 Emissions
Created Thursday, 30 April 2020
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