

Is work making your employees sick? Create safe, comfortable and healthy office environments so that people can get their jobs done – and breathe easier.

Airborne contaminants can affect the short-term or long-term health of building occupants. With high-quality, energy-efficient air filters and air purifiers, you can improve the health of people and your HVAC systems and reduce building maintenance and cleaning costs.

Air purifiers from Camfil promote health as well as savings

High-efficiency filters and air purifiers from Camfil effectively combat the problems caused by small particles and odours. They’re also the most energy-efficient on the market, helping owners to green their buildings by cutting the power consumption of their air handling systems and reducing their carbon footprint.

The challenges of modern-day offices

Many offices have poor air circulation these days, with windows that can’t even be opened in an attempt to be more energy-efficient. Some offices and commercial premises have outdated ventilation systems that simply move unclean air from one part of the office to another. When outdoor air does enter the ventilation system, pollution from smoke, dust and pollen will deposit on fans, batteries and ducts. Also, clogged commercial air filters that haven’t been replaced trap both indoor and outdoor air pollutants.
In fact, the quality of the indoor air can be much worse than the outdoor air quality.

High indoor air quality = high productivity

Studies show that good indoor air quality has a positive effect on people’s productivity. They’re more alert. They show better cognitive performance thanks to improved oxygen flow. And they can even gain better general health. This translates into fewer sick days and improved well-being.

How you can improve indoor air quality and productivity

  • Take preventive measures – regularly maintain and inspect your air purifiers and filters as well as heating and cooling systems to stop the spread of pollutants. 
  • Analyse variables such as carbon dioxide emissions, humidity, airflow and temperature to determine whether there is an air quality problem.
  • Based on this analysis, create an indoor air profile that includes potential sources of indoor air pollution and a strategy for indoor air management.
  • Ensure that pollutants are diluted and removed from the building through proper ventilation.
  • Use filtration systems to purify the air of remaining pollutants.
  • Upgrade your HVAC system when your building is modified.

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