copenhagen airport
Copenhagen Airport was founded in 1925 and was thus one of the first commercial airports in the world. The early years were characterized by a pioneering spirit, and at the same time, air travel was still reserved for the most privileged.
Since its start, both the commercial airline industry and Copenhagen Airport have undergone enormous development. One development where Copenhagen Airport constancy lies far ahead is the travel count. In 2018, the airport set a record with 30.3 million passengers
It is a challenge for all airports that large amounts of outside air penetrate into terminals and other buildings – air which is often filled with dangerous particles and gases. The source of the pollution is both the planes and the vehicles used to support the aviation operation. Copenhagen Airport works purposely to for air travels and for the airport‘s many to protect the health of the air travelers and many thousands.
For this purpose, the airport has installed a ventilation system with 2-stage filtration consisting of ePM1 60% (F7) bag filters for particle filtration and molecular filters for molecular filtration (carbon filtration). Camfil AB has a long-standing and strong cooperation with Copenhagen Airport, where the ventilation is supplied by Camfil‘s selected filters.
”The solution seems to be working perfectly, and it savesus time and money. Therefore, we have also chosen thesame solution for the other facilities.
The drip catcher has been installed for over 3 years and has clearly proven that it stops water from entering the system, thereby the bottom plate in the system no longer corrodes and the filters do not have to be changed due to moisture. The positive result has therefore led Copenhagen Airport to invest in three extra CamVane droplet traps for two other problematic facilities.