Camfil Power Systems Sustainability Report

Power Systems and sustainability

Camfil Power Systems (PS) provides filtration and acoustical solutions for turbomachinery including gas turbines, generators,industrial air compressors and diesel engines. Turbomachinery technology has evolved tremendously over the past decades.

But this progress has also made turbomachinery more susceptible to fine particulates that cause fouling and corrosion, leading to more rapid degradation of performance. At the same time, stricter emission regulations are requiring newer, more efficient technologies on the filtration side that are adapted to changing environmental conditions.

Power systems solutions optimise engine performance, extend equipment component life and increase uptime by removing particles that could degrade the turbomachinery due to erosion, fouling and corrosion. They are manufactured to the highest standards and are equipped with proprietary Camfil filters to ensure that customers operate their assets reliably and efficiently.

How Camfil Power Systems helps customers reduce their carbon footprint

Boost to Reduce – a CO2 reduction awareness campaign

Camfil is running an educational campaign to encourage customers to cut their total CO2 emissions. Since fouled gas turbines become less efficient, they need to burn more fuel to generate the same power or they need to find another way to make up the lost power. As a consequence of burning more fuel, carbon emissions also increase per megawatt hour produced.

A simple way for these customers to get cleaner-running engines with less fouling, corrosion and air resistance consists of simply upgrading the filter solution with Camfil’s hydrophobic, high efficiency EPA filter solution.

In addition to reducing the carbon footprint and lowering the impact on climate change, benefits include increased profitability, reliability, availability and a safer working environment.

This campaign presented

A case where an upgrade from a standard m6 filter could slash total CO2 emissions by 5%.

In this case: 35 000 tonnes

which is equivalent to removing 18.000 cars from the road.

Test & Learn Events - hands-on training

Camfil regularly welcomes customers to its gas-turbine filtration labs at its Test & Learn centres in North America, Europe and Asia. There, we train customers and help them improve their knowledge of air filtration and gas turbines through intensive courses that involve both theory and practice.

Objectives of the training include: gaining an understanding of basic air-intake filters and gas turbine theory; understanding engine degradation caused by erosion, fouling and corrosion and how to mitigate its risks; identifying environmental/site conditions to determine the type of contaminants that are affecting the customer’s gas turbines; and understanding howto design an inlet system according to specific site conditions.

The training sessions attracted over 200 participants in 2019.

Watch & Learn – a new video learning series

In 2019, Camfil expanded its Test & Learn programme with an entertaining and educational video series. Watch& Learn teaches customers about the impact of air filtration on their gas turbines and other turbomachinery in industries like power generation, oil and gas, and process industries.

The Value Rating

Power Systems introduced The Value Rating classification system to simplify the filter selection process for gas turbine operators in the power generation and oil and gas industries. This simple, intuitive online calculator helps users easily evaluate the efficiency and quality of primary air inlet filters. The Value Rating shows the impact a final filter will have on a gas turbine's performance in terms of power output, fuel consumption, and carbon emission. It makes the complex decision of selecting a filter for gas turbine simple. It requires four simple inputs filter efficiency, airflow, initial pressure drop, and filter pressure drop after 250 grams of dust loading with the click of a button. Based on an international standard and the latest published data from gasturbine manufacturers, the tool provides a performance comparison in seconds. With this actionable data, operators can then compare and make the best filter selection for their gas turbines.


In 2020, Camfil PS launched the latest generation of its CamGT product line featuring hydrophobic, low, and stable pressure-drop air inlet filters designed to boost turbomachinery performance. With a global installed base of tens of thousands of filters, CamGT filters are engineered to excel under extreme conditions like in offshore or coastal environments, where turbomachinery must fight high humidity, salt-laden air, heavy pollution or fine particulates. They are designed for EPA efficiency to boost power by virtually eliminating degradation while maintaining a low and stable pressure drop. They boost uptime by eliminating maintenance requirements for filters and engine parts. And they boost profits by significantly reducing operating expenses. The new features will increase equipment availability, reduce corrosion risk, improve fuel efficiency and reduce carbon footprint per MWh produced. CamGT’s filter frames are manufactured using recycled plastic frames to further reduce their carbon footprint. During the manufacturing process, less plastic and foamed glue are used to reduce the use of petrochemicals.


PowerEye, the industry's first predictive analytics service for air inlet filters and gas turbines, delivers key insights on turbine performance, increases engine availability, optimizes filter change-outs, and improves capacity forecasting. Equipped with intelligence from PowerEye, operators can address potential issues that would have otherwise resulted in downtime and equipment failure.
With years of field-testing experience on a variety of filter types, Camfil has developed algorithms to predict how different filters and atmospheric conditions will react and affect the performance of gas turbines and other turbomachinery equipment. These quantified insights drive higher power output and reduce operational expenses – and ultimately improve fuel efficiency and thus reduce carbon emissions.
Created Monday, 1 February, 2021
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