Waste & recycling

Waste & recycling

Make clean air part of the housekeeping routines at your recycling facilities – the health and safety of your workers, plant equipment and business depend on it.

Sort your waste – and the problems caused by the many sources of odours, dust and harmful gases at recycling plants – with dedicated molecular filtration solutions that keep danger at bay.

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Optimise the performance of your dust collector with replacement filters from Camfil

Created 31 March 2023

Did you know Camfil have a full range of retrofit filters that can be utilised in all the most common brands on the market. Camfil filters are not just designed to work but to optimise your dust extraction systems performance

Food and beverage Life science and healthcare Energy and Power Systems Manufacturing and machinery
Mockup which shows LCC Analysis on laptop device.

Real cost of clean air solutions

Created 13 June 2024

Often the initial purchase price for air filters or dust collectors is just the tip of the iceberg. The true costs for energy, maintenance and disposal are lurking below the surface. To make the most economic decision in the long-run, a detailed calculation considering all the factors will help to reduce your overall expenditure.

Food and beverage Life science and healthcare Sustainability Electronics and optics Commercial and public buildings Standard and regulations Manufacturing and machinery

Carbon filtration help middelfart wastewater treatment plant in denmark reduce odour nuisances

Created 23 December 2021

The wastewater undergoes a long process at Middelfart Wastewater, where the wastewater is treated and at the end of the process it eventually becomes purified water which is then released to the sea surrounding Middelfart. In addition, the byproducts biogas is converted to electricity and heat as well as bio-fertilizer that is being used on farmers’ fields.

Sustainability Air quality Energy and Power Systems Case studies

Optimization of carbon media in biogas desulfurisation

Created 22 October 2021

Hydrogen sulphide is one of the major contaminants that needs to be eliminated from biogas production as part of the purification. This can be achieved using mobile activated carbon filters that remove harmful gases and odours from the process.

Air quality Energy and Power Systems

Can we remove it

Created 04 October 2021

Dealing with airborne odours, toxins and gases can be a big challenge. Learn about how Molecular Contamination Control and how it can protect against the harmful effects of these airborne contaminants.

Food and beverage Life science and healthcare Education and experience Electronics and optics Air quality Commercial and public buildings Manufacturing and machinery


Created 27 August 2021

Clean air at a disused nuclear power plant operated by Barsebäck Kraft AB (BKAB) in Sweden. The used nuclear fuels were removed a long time, but demolishing the nuclear power plant is a dirty job that requires maximum safety and control. To keep the air clean in the demolition process, air purifiers from Camfil were used.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Air quality Energy and Power Systems Case studies

Efficient removal of corrosive gases and odorous contaminants from air with camcarb vg

Created 21 May 2021

CamCarb VG modules with loose-fill media are robust solutions suited for make-up air (outdoor air) and recirculation air systems. The primary use is the control of acidic gases that are responsible for the corrosion of electronics and electrical equipment in heavy process industries such as pulp and paper mills, petrochemical refineries, mining and metal refining operations, and wastewater treatment plants.

Life science and healthcare Electronics and optics Air quality Commercial and public buildings Manufacturing and machinery

Desulfurization of biogas with campure 32

Created 19 February 2021

CamPure 32 is the new ideal Camfil media for the removal of hydrogen sulfide during the production of biogas in an anaerobic process. Learn how this farm in France applied the high quality chemical absorbent media to their biogas application.

Energy and Power Systems Case studies

H c orstedsvearket

Created 18 December 2018

During the process of removing the four, 28 meter high boilers, a lot of environmentally harmful materials must be handled, and the demolition process will create dust and smoke, which cannot be spread outside the building.

Manufacturing and machinery Case studies