CC 1700

The CC1700 air cleaner has been developed specifically for the removal of corrosive gases generated within your facility. The CC1700 can include multi stage carbon filtration to ensure the corrosive gases are removed efficiently.

  • High efficient HEPA and molecular filtration options
  • Easy to service
  • Touch Screen control
  • Pressure drop alarm
  • Silent performance
  • On/Off timer
  • Constant Air flow features
  • ICON7
  • ICON9 en1822
Item Type Width (mm) Height (mm) Depth (mm) Airflow (m3/h)
CC 1700 1000 2100 550 1700


Versatile Air Cleaner specialized for elimination of acids, corrosive gases, VOC’s, ozone, formaldehyde and particulate matter. Inside, you will find the well-known CamCarb, City or Gigapleat molecular products and EN, ASHRAE or ISO certified Particle filters. Due to Camfil’s in house HEPA / Molecular filter expertise, we provide several unique customer benefits, such as low pressure drop and energy consumption, unique media combinations and optimized product lifetime. This air cleaner is engineered for multiple segment customization and often used in the following areas: Control rooms of petrochemical facilities, metal refining and pulp & paper mills; data centres & switch rooms, IVF Clinique’s, health care facilities, indoor air quality excellence in polluted cities, cleanroom upgrades or complement to existing cleanrooms. Taking into account filter replacement, service cost, downtime and electrical power requirements, this product provides a minimum LCC value
Voltage usage
Filter: Up to 4 stage filter option
Capacity: Max 1700 m3/h

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